

NIDA Hosts Cannabis Discussion Focused on U.S., Canada, Uruguay, and France 

The panel talked about the highs and lows of, and lessons learned from, the early years of cannabis regulation.

Global, Research

Cannabis Researchers and Regulators Push for Global Quality Control “Harmonization” 

ASTM International hosted global heavyweights in cannabis industry, research, and regulation for a two-day conference focused on standards.


NIDA Welcomes Proposals From New Cannabis Suppliers

Today, seven entities meet the basic criteria to compete for a contract to supply the National Institute on Drug Abuse with research-grade cannabis, and it could be worth up to $25 million.


A First: National Institutes of Health Issues RFI on Cannabis Research Barriers

The request for information is NIH’s first on these barriers, and it includes eight participants, from the National Cancer Institute to the National Institute on Aging.


Will There Be a New Cannabis Supplier For the Federal Government?

For decades, it’s been the University of Mississippi. This time around, new growers in the U.S. are eligible.

Regulation, Research

FDA Researchers Publish First Study on Medical Cannabis Testing Patchwork

The research comes amid a broader agency effort to collect data on cannabinoids, which will help shape forthcoming rules on approved products.


National Cancer Institute to Award Grants for Cannabis and Tobacco Co-Use Studies

This is the first-ever NCI grant dedicated to “studies that address patterns of tobacco and cannabis use as a target for cancer prevention and control.”


Federal Review on Cannabis and Pain Shows Mild Relief, Uptick in Dizziness and Sedation

An agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released its first annual update of an ongoing systematic review of cannabis and pain.


JAMA Study on Youth Cannabis Use is Retracted, Replaced

In September, a widely-covered study found that youth use declined after the passage of medical and adult use cannabis laws. But methodological issues have led to a retraction.


Who Now Has Federal Permission to Grow Cannabis for Research?

For decades, there was one DEA-approved entity. Now there are five, though the DEA has been quiet about it. But what about the dozens of other applicants?


Here are NIDA’s Cannabis Research Priorities

CSU Pueblo hosted National Institute on Drug Abuse division director Susan Weiss, who discussed NIDA’s research priorities and future work.


Racial Disparities in Cannabis Arrests are Up in Areas Without Cannabis Law Reform

In an investigation published in JAMA, researchers concluded that the rise “highlights the need for immediate policy change and implementation.”


Cannabis Vaping Among Teens Has Doubled, Study Suggests

The study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, shows that teen vaping has spiked in the U.S. and Canada.

Research, United States

NIOSH Tackles Cannabis and Workers’ Compensation

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health analyzed state cannabis laws and rules on workers compensation and cannabis.


What are the Racial Trends in Cannabis Use After Legalization?

A study finds that consumption rises among white people, but not among Black people–even as Black people face more legal jeopardy. The study found no increase in youth use.